Guidelines for Drilling an Edwards Well

The Edwards Underground Water District is a conservation and reclamation district created by the State Legislature for the purpose of conserving, protecting and recharging the under- ground water bearing formations within the District, and for the prevention of waste and pollution of such underground water, particularly the waters in the formations known as the Edwards Limestone and Associated Formations in Bexar, Comal, Hays, Medina and Uvalde Counties.

Recognizing these responsibilities and the need to improve upon inadequate well construction practices which have resulted in isolated cases of groundwater waste and/or pollution, the Edwards Underground Water District has developed these recommended minimum well construction standards. The method used to construct Edwards' wells, and the construction details themselves can be a ma1or factor in the quality and quantity of water being produced. The unique nature of the Edwards Aquifer as a limestone formation has made water well construction specialized and different from that in all other areas ofthe State. This manual is provided as a service to the residents of the District to inform those unfamiliar with the water well pro- fession about generally accepted drilling procedures, practices, and construction specifications for Edwards Aquifer wells. It primarily addresses the construction of domestic wells.

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